Taekwondo Traveller

Would you like to support Taekwondo Traveller?

Supporting us means your logo will be displayed at the bottom of taekwondo-traveller.eu and will be linked to your website. Furthermore, you will automatically become a member of Taekwondo Traveller and have full access to our club database.

How it works

To become a supporter / sponsor of Taekwondo Traveller and to discuss any possibilities please send an email to info@taekwondo-traveller.eu with your name, address and contact details.
Taekwondo Traveller
ZVR-Zahl 705451405
DI Dr. Salma Michor, MBA
Schoenbrunnerstrasse 238/2/7
1120 Wien
M +43 699 19521662
E: info@taekwondo-traveller.eu
W: www.taekwondo-traveller.eu
Bank details:
Raiffeisenlandesbank NOE-WIEN
Taekwondo Traveller
Bank account: 11577160
BLZ: 32000
International Transfers:
IBAN: AT63 3200 0000 1157 7160
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